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Writer's pictureKara Little

Another New Year: You're Ready!

This year is ending and now is a great time to reflect. You’re probably thinking about all the good things that happened this year and all the things you wish went differently.

If you’re experiencing any of these things, just know that you’re not alone.

New Year’s Eve can be an exciting time, but sometimes it can be a little nerve wracking too. I feel so anxious on the first few days of each new year, trying to do everything perfectly and be a perfect person to make sure I don’t slip up on my new year’s goals.

You might want this year to be better or be just as good as last year and you’re wondering:

“How should I prepare for the new year?”

Well, it’s entirely up to you of course, but here are some tips to help you settle into a great year!

1. Clean your room/space.

Your home is your sanctuary. Cleaning your home can get rid of any negative, unwanted, or just old energy that you don’t wanna bring into the new year. It’ll give you a fresh new start and you’ll just have the open mind to cultivate something new and bring good energy in! Wipe down/sanitize your furniture, throw away any papers/documents that you no longer need (yes that includes that KFC receipt from last month that you just kept in your wallet!).

2. Go through your wallet and check those gift card balances.

One of the things I notoriously collect throughout the year are gift cards. Whether it be from my favorite store, or just a regular gift card, I always try to use every penny in those cards. Because of that, sometimes you might hold onto them for quite a while, or as you use them you don’t typically think to discard them because you’ll check the remaining balance later on. Well this is the perfect time to go through each one and discard any that have been used up, and write down the remaining balances on each one with some value!

3. Take another look at your closet.

If you have clothes that you have not worn within the past six months to a year OR you just don’t see yourself wearing them with anything you already have, DISCARD if possible. Analyze each piece of clothing you wish to get rid of and if there are any signs of wear (holes, food stains, tears) throw it away! Otherwise, donate them! Whether it be to your friends or a local thrift store, give those clothes to someone else that would love them! It’ll allow you to see what you really have and what you really want/need in the new year.

4. Go through those monthly/yearly subscriptions.

Yes, it’s that time! Check through each subscription you have and really ask yourself if you need it next year. Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, HBO Max, Apple TV, Paramount Plus, and anything else you might be subscribed to! If you don’t remember, check through your emails for any subscriptions you might have signed up for/renewed this year! (I don’t think I’ll be canceling any but feel free to cancel one in my behalf lol)

5. Write down your goals.

A great way to know what you want is to write it all down! You can write weekly goals, monthly goals, yearly goals, and so forth so you can know how you want things to happen for you in your life. Setting goals in your life, regardless of the timing, can be pretty essential to getting the most out of this life. Writing them down will also give you a clearer vision of these goals and what steps you need to take. It makes them easier to manage when they’re not all in your head.

6. Breathe and embrace the new year!

Know that a new year means new beginnings and a fresh start, but it doesn’t mean it has to all be figured out by then. Each year we grow as people, so our goals naturally change and we adapt as life goes on. Remember that it’s normal for things to not work out the way you’d hoped. Sometimes adversities can make us feel like we’re going off course with our goals and dreams, but in reality, we’re just taking a different direction than we expected to get there.

2021 was a year of ups and downs, but remember that you made it! You’re one year closer to living the life you want and living out your dreams to the fullest. Be proud of yourself for just getting to this point!

These are some tips for you to embrace this year coming in, feel free to follow them or even create your own traditions/routines for the end of the year. Don’t stress yourself trying to complete any of these though because rest is key! There can be no progress if we do not rest from time to time. Take care of yourself and your loved ones this New Year’s Eve.

Happy New Year everyone, sending you all love and light as we proceed into 2022. You got this.

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1 Comment

Dec 31, 2021

How did you know about my KFC receipts!!! Thanks so much for this advice I really needed to declutter my closet and this is a reminder to do just that before the year is up😊

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