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Writer's pictureKara Little

So I Wanna Talk About My 20s...

They say that your 20s are your best years. You’re young, just starting out in life and you have your whole life ahead of you.

Well, no one told me how confusing these years might be. I spent 22 years in school, working part-time jobs in between. Now that I’m done with school (for now?) I feel so lost. I’ve never been this confused about anything before.

I’ve planned out every step in my life until this point, and I’m not sure where to go from here.

This is the crazy part of life where everyone starts to do their own thing and take their own path. Some of us are in school, some are working their big adult jobs, some of us have already moved out on our own, some of us are newlyweds, some of us are new parents; the list goes on.

I am the queen of comparing myself to others and right now I feel stuck. I want to be doing more, I need to be doing more. If these are some of the best years of my life, why doesn’t it feel like it?

COVID-19 has not made this easier in any way. The economy is terrible, the world is on fire, and everything I wanted to accomplish by now has been delayed.

Everyone tells me things like:

“You’ll figure it out!”

“It’ll all come together!”

“You’ll get that ___ soon!”

And as a 22-year-old college grad that spends her days at home watching TikTok and eating snacks, my mind always asks, “will I though?”

I don’t even know what I want anymore, I don’t know how to plan this next chapter of my life because I’m too busy having an identity crisis in the middle of a pandemic.

I have no idea what’s going on at any point of time, but one thing I can say is I’m trying!

If you’re reading this and have been feeling like a failure at life, I’m here to tell you you’re not.


Since the pandemic began, I’ve been applying to full time jobs non-stop. Companies aren’t hiring the way they used to pre-COVID. I check LinkedIn every single day, I signed up for weekly newsletters, you name it. Even with that, I can’t seem to get past the interview stage and secure that dream job. It’s hard seeing my peers find those jobs, start grad school, buy their first apartments, when I can’t seem to do any of those things.

I know job searching is never supposed to be a walk in the park, but can it at least be a light jog?

Second, social media forces us to determine our value based on someone else’s content.

Just remember that social media allows us to show others what we want them to see. We want to look like we have everything under control, that we have it together. I’m here to tell you that NONE of us have it together.

You know all those times you posted pictures when you were having a terrible day or had a lot going on? Exactly.

Think about this past year. I don’t know about you, but this year was nothing that I planned for. It’s always good to have a plan, but life happens. Things change, people change; that’s kinda the point. (I would’ve picked a better way to implement change but I digress)

Life is meant to be lived, so enjoy the present and let go of the outcome. We spend so much time trying to speed through life that we don’t stop and smell the roses.

Finally, this is your first time living this life! Every day is a lesson, and every day we get closer to becoming the people we are meant to be. I get upset when I see everyone I know be so far ahead of me in life, but I’ve learned to not worry simply because it’s not my time right now.

One day you will have that job, that house, that car, that life, and you’ll look back and be amazed at how far you’ve come.

Being in your 20s is a hard thing, you’re still learning about yourself and who you are as an individual. You’re starting your life as a real person. Not to mention the fact that we are literally in a crisis.

There are a lot of unknowns right now, but one thing I do know is that all the good things in life that are meant for you will never miss you!

Take this time to learn about yourself. Try new things, find new hobbies, learn! Start listening to those podcasts you saved, start reading those books on your shelves, listen to that album you’ve been meaning to play.

But most important, this is the time to simply live. Some days are great, some days aren’t; take ‘

the days as they come.

As a great being once said, “God bless them 20 somethings”. It will be okay. Take your time, breathe, and learn as much as you can; you’ll be glad you did.

Besides, if that doesn’t work, you can always dye your hair.

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